Wednesday, September 11, 2013

TTU DG Gamma Xi Chapter Instagram


Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Summer!

As we are all enjoying our relaxing time away from school, we are all still Doing Good! Throughout the rest of the summer, we will be featuring how our women of Delta Gamma are doing good in everything they do. Today, we want to start with Shelby Karal; Shelby was at the KBeauty Event, featuring Khloe and Kim as they show off their new beauty line. Shelby taught these women how to do the DG Salute and was able to capture the moment! Way to Do Good, ladies!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Meet CMT VP Membership Education

                                                                     Name: Melissa Brisco

position: Vice President Member Education
birthday: March 21, 1992
hometown: Coppell, TX
major: Public Relations, minor: General Business
what you like to do in your free time: Watch Friends, read, go to the movies, and hang out with friends.
favorite movie: Titanic, The Good Girl, or any romantic comedy.
favorite food: I love Mexican food, and anything with avocado or mushrooms.

favorite DG or Greek event: Recruitment! It's such a wonderful bonding experience and reminds you of the strength of our chapter.
why did you run for the CMT position you hold? The new members are the future of our chapter. I love getting to know them all on a personal level and getting to be a part of their new member experience.
Favorite quote: "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." -Mother Teresa
What you hope for: I hope for each member to fully experience the love and strength of Delta Gamma. I truly believe that you get out of DG what you put into it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Meet CMT VP Finance

Loren Hughes

position: Vice President Finance

birthday: December 27, 1991

hometown: Coppell, TX

major: Spanish/Education

what you like to do in your free time: I love going to the movies, or shopping with my Big

favorite movie: I have so many, but probably The Notebook just because it's a classic

favorite food: I have a serious peanut butter sandwich addiction.

favorite DG or Greek event: I always love fall bid day. It never fails that I get chills when the girls step off the bid day bus. 

why did you run for the CMT position you hold? Finance is so out of my comfort zone but I wanted to take on a position that would challenge me and that I could learn from. 

Favorite quote: "Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light." -Madeline L'Engle

What you hope for: I hope that my sisters and I have the most beautiful lives and if for some reason something goes wrong, that Delta Gamma and our fellow sisters can help us rise above.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Meet CMT VP Foundation

                                                  Name: Kimberly Sheeran

Position: VP Foundation

Birthday: November 13, 1991

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Major: Dance AND History

What you like to do in your free time: Read, spend time with friends, and watch HGTV

Favorite Movie: First Position

Favorite Food: Quesadillas and Mac and Cheese

Favorite DG Event: AnchorSplash

Why did you run for the position you hold?: I ran for this position because I have a passion for community service. I feel especially connected to Service for Sight, because so many are affected by the various diseases that cause blindness. I once had a professor that was sight impaired, and he inspired me to take greater action. Sight is a precious sense and one that we cannot afford to lose. I ran for VP Foundation because I wanted to have a greater hand in the effort to help, and eventually cure, those affected.

What I hope for: I hope for many things, but above all, I hope for happiness. Our world today is plagued by international strain and violence. I hope that we can see past these problems and find what truly makes us happiest. "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, April 12, 2013

Is it Spring Break or Something?

About a month ago, our CMT went to a Convention along with several other Delta Gamma's Chapter Management Team. Our VP Social Standards, Grace Acuna, wrote about her experience in the trip!

“Is this Spring Break or something?” …

…a woman asked, one of the many different questions I overheard when boarding a DFW flight to Columbus, Ohio.
It really must have been a sight. All eleven schools from our region on the same flight to …. Ohio.  Not a normal place for a bunch of “typical” sorority women to be heading.  But this group is anything but “typical”.  We’re part of the five percent of collegiate executive officers in the nation invited to the Delta Gamma Institute. 
6 women from our chapter, including myself, were a part of this Midwest adventure; (From left to right) Bailey (VP: Membership), Marina (VP: Communications), Loren (VP: Finance), myself (VP: Social Standards), Nichole (President), and Vanessa (Membership Advisor).
We started our weekend in Columbus by touring Delta Gamma’s Executive Offices.  The house was so warm and pretty from the outside. When we walked in, we were astonished by all the Delta Gamma history surrounding us.  It didn’t seem like an office to us. It really felt like home—until a tour group came by and told us we came in through the wrong door.  Embarrassed, we rushed to the front of the house to start the tour.  We walked through the suite where Council stays and the meeting halls where national standing rules are voted on (oh, if those walls could talk). 

Saw some familiar names during our tour; a window donated by Gamma Xi collegians, a note by Gamma Xi alumnae Aleesa Ross, and a couple brinks in honor of our own Advisory Team Chairman Vicki Nixon.

But the most moving of the tour was the Frances Lewis Stevenson Archives room.  We were able to see some of the original belongings of our founders and a lot of other documents that have helped build the Delta Gamma legacy.  As we walked out of the house, taking a signature ‘saluting’ picture by the anchor statue, we read the names carved on the bricks under our feet realizing how small we were compared to the sheer size and history of our fraternity.
If the tour didn’t reassure the passion our DG sisters had, the institute definitely did.  About 900 collegians, alumnae, and advisors came together to talk about leadership.  It was there that my fellow officers and I broke down what it means to be a leader – from identifying our strengths, learning a confrontation model, and assessing our own chapter’s progress. 
Throughout the institute, I met so many other Vice President: Social Standards and was able to really relate with different problems and successes. I enjoyed talking with the sisters from all over the country about different issues we were all having in our chapter and using a ‘brain-trust’ to come up with some solutions.
Talking with other officers, I became really appreciative of how many advisors and alumnae are dedicated to our Gamma Xi chapter.  I met with a chapter that didn’t even have one advisor helping them year round. In comparison, we have 12 advisors who dedicate their time to us every week.  At the Texas Tech Delta Gamma chapter, we have A TON of people in our corner from our advisors, alumnae, and parents, to our university.  They are all dedicated to bettering our chapter.  That really inspires me, and I hope the rest of our chapter to continue our successes, bettering our weaknesses, and Doing Good.
Overall, the Delta Gamma Institute was personally a once-in-a-lifetime experience.  I was able to connect to my sorority in a way I never realized was possible.  I was able to learn some really valuable lessons from absolutely inspiring women in our organization.  I was able to fully understand our motto ‘For Strength, For Hope, For Life’.
So no ma’am, this isn’t Spring Break – but these are sorority women and they are anything but typical. Although, for the Canadian chapter of Beta Beta it really was Spring Break…
(Left to Right) Vanessa Nixon Mobley, Bailey Iverson, Nichole Birdsong, Loren Hughes, Marina San Miguel, Grace Acuna